Welcome to Pishon4
- Installation and setup: This documentation.
- Bot basics
- Data acquisition for backtesting
- Parameter tuning
- Portfolio optimization design docs
- Install pyenv. Make sure to follow this guidance.
- Install poetry.
- Install TA-lib dependencies. Follow here.
sudo apt install build-essential
wget URL:to/ta-lib-0....
cd talib/library
./configure --prefix=/usr LDFLAGS="-lm" # https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ta-lib/
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
- Set the python interpreter as 3.7.9 and install dependencies.
pyenv install 3.7.9
pyenv local 3.7.9
poetry install
- Inject the library path into site-packages.
bash inject_library_path.sh